Small Businesses In New Zealand Need Customers RIGHT NOW online & offline!

Hardship, real financial hardship, here in Aotearoa New Zealand? A good portion of people just don't want to know.

It has been incredibly challenging for our household to get back on our feet, Post-March 2020 when our Property Settlement was so shockingly frozen and our financial circumstances so hugely put under ongoing strain due to the Covid-19 Nationwide Lockdown................... and yet, I am personally very aware there are actual small businesses operating in our local community and just beyond, with business owners & operators that are absolutely at the end of their rope also.

Small Business Owners, actual literal fellow, hardworking human beings, who own small local down-the-road-from-home-scenario businesses, are not taking wages and have not for literally numerous months. They are not taking wages, so they can instead pay their demanding landlords, pay their overheads, pay suppliers to keep some products actually in stock, pay insurance and liabilities, etc. People, real live fellow, local human beings, who I have personally met and also been discreetly told about.

Small Business Owners in Aotearoa New Zealand? A number of them, are under incredible stress and strain, and they are surrounded by incredibly challenging worries & concerns.

Small Business Owners in New Zealand are hugely struggling, a good proportion of them. The state the country is in, under ongoing, repetitive Lockdowns and Alert Level alterations in the local and wider community, it is wearing down and very distressing for a good number of dedicated, hardworking people.

People are hugely struggling, because of the lack of steady, healthy income and the financial hardship which their small business are under, and have been kept under, from March 2020 right up until now, almost a whole year later.

Small businesses in the Land of the Long White Cloud are struggling, because of Covid-19 and it's actual pandemic levelled effects on incomes, and business opportunities to actually literally generate that necessary income.

Small Business in New Zealand? It has been hugely hit by a ghastly, pandemic-like, viral financial hardship............ and too few really want to face up to it or have it discussed in polite society circles. Too many want to simply dismiss what has occurred, and falsely claim it would have happened anyway.

Too many want to falsely claim that it must be the fault of the business owner, and other such ill-determined and presumptious judgements that get floated about.......... all the while denying what Covid-19 and its subsequent Lockdowns have in fact repeatedly done to Small Business in New Zealand as a whole.

The struggle, the hardship, the distress currently cloaking Small Business New Zealand............. it is very, very real. It is very real, and a good number of those in distress had it literally brought on from March 2020 solely due to Covid-19 and the Nationwide implemented Lockdown and its follow on Lockdowns, all placed predominately on small businesses, and not on a good number of the larger, corporate businesses.

Those that try to pretend this specific hardship doesn't exist, clearly have little regard for their hardworking neighbour or their fellow man who happens to have their own small business operation.

People may not only have their businesses default, they may soon face the loss of their actual homes, as a result of the incredible financial stress they and their small business are under. It is so incredibly sad.

Small Business and small businesses in New Zealand in crisis mode?
It's real. VERY REAL.

I met someone this very week who is selling their home because they have financially struggled BECAUSE of what happened for them in 2020.

REAL live, good citizen, hardworking Kiwis, with families and financial responsibilities............... people just like you and me, they are step by step coming under the harsh cloud of reality that they may very well soon be losing their businesses, they may soon financially default, and they are potentially going to loose their homes.
Everyone is hoping for change, hoping for "The Breakthrough." With each passing business day their businesses are becoming more & more crippled, under the financial strain they are under........ what a dreadful thing that is for so many dear, hardworking Kiwi souls.
Please, those of you that are Praying Folk, please pray for divine intervention for small businesses here in Aotearoa New Zealand. It IS needed for so many of the small business folk I have personally come across lately

Please. Please Friends, please pray for them, AND literally go out of your way to go and buy from a local small business in your area. Put your money on the counter, and help that local small business owner as best you can, literally, now.

People. Real live people. Hard working people: all committed to running small businesses here in Aotearoa, they need a huge breakthrough financially. They need other fellow kiwis to go out of their way to seek out local service providers, local product manufacturers, local supplies of goods and services both online and offline, that typically we kiwis previously just wanted to source from some cheaper offshore company or large million dollar large business with a huge marketing platform and allegedly preferred branded name.

Small Businesses in New Zealand need customers RIGHT NOW, online & offline. Let's help them. Now.

We need to buy locally. We need to actively support our local small businesses, because a good number of those neighbours of ours that are also business owners and operators are tettering on the edge of being mentally broken with the stresses they are under.

To default and have their small business go completely under................ a good number of folk are sincerely seeking a big breakthrough right now to prevent it.

I truly, truly hope the Prime Minister and the New Zealand Government gets the gentle, yet direct and firm message clearly soon, that some folk who claimed to be helping kiwi small businesses recover are actually witholding that very financial funding they took, allegedly on the behalf of the small businesses they claimed to want to help in their locality.

A good number of small kiwi businesses, and hardworking folk are not getting the help they need, and those sneakily withholding it in order to line their own pockets substantially more, should surely be held to account.

The fallout from 2020? It is horrendous at grassroots level in Aotearoa New Zealand, for a good number of small businesses, their owners & their operators. The typical, hardworking, good old average kiwi family running a small business, just trying to put food each day on the table and keep a roof over the kiddies' head each night................. they need literal help right now. BIG TIME. God help us all.

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