Reader Request Time & My Backyard

I thought it would be both fun and interesting to offer the opportunity to put forward ideas and suggestions for future blog posts.

There are some blog posts relating to DIY projects, plus recipes being trialled in our kitchen on the future blog post agenda.... however, it would also be great to have feedback about other blog posts people would enjoy seeing posted here also!

So any ideas and suggestions you throw my way, be it about home management, home decorating, organization, de-cluttering, storage, gardening.....would all be very welcome.

Please, let me know by writing a comment (or two or three), to share what you would love to suggest be added to the future blogging subject list. It would be great to have your feedback and and will certainly give me some further inspiration as to what to work on blogging about!

In the meantime, here is a photograph of the newest arrivals at our place, that have been a source of great excitement for us all:

Rose, our English Angora Rabbit has had her first litter of babies! We are so enjoying the arrival of our little flock of flopsy bunnies. They are just so sweet natured and of course, just ever so gorgeously cute!

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