My Backyard: Mid-September Garden Activities

As the weather still continues to be somewhat unsettled, those times that can be spent in the garden are often at present focused on cultivation.

During this past week, I have worked on several areas of garden, weeding where necessary and adding a combination of mulch and compost.

I have also been busy transplanting several plants, that over the past year I have nurtured from cuttings I had acquired some time ago.

In the above photograph, you can see the start of a new garden area I have created. It has all come about from rose and box hedging cuttings I have been quietly encouraging to grow. 

It is really satisfying to now see the results of the effort put in, having got these plants virtually for free. 

The rose cuttings were all from my grandmother's garden. It is going to be quite lovely to look back over time and see the development and growth that occurs, plus have a really happy association with each resulting rose bush.

I quite like the idea at present of creating a memory garden or two around our home. 

These roses will remind me in times to come of my paternal grandmother, as I get to view them in the garden, plus bring actual roses into the house to savor their perfume.

Another treasure I have enjoyed in the Spring garden this week is this lavender bush. Again, I sourced this particular lavender from my mother-in-law's garden some time ago as a cutting. 

Finally this Spring, having spread it's wings, it is making it's presence felt both aesthetically and due to it's beautiful aroma.

This again will be a lovely memory triggering plant for me as it continues to grow and develop, as it also reminds me of my maternal grandmother's love of the colour purple. 

Lavender's aroma brings back memories of making dried floral mixes to place in satchets for perfuming drawers, etc. 

What are powerful perfume lavender has, both on the fresh and dry sprig.

Finally a photograph, of this one small strawberry plant I spotted today. It clearly shows the transformation that the changes in the seasons bring.

Both flower and forming fruit are shown here. They are the product of warming soil, and the combination of both days of delightful sunlight and evident rain.

It really has been great to have pockets of time this week to be able to work in the garden. 

To be able to bit by bit, section by section, cultivate beds of soil ready for producing both floral and culinary produce for our household.

Spring is such a great season for encouraging more time being had outdoors. More time being spent simply smelling the roses. Literally.

The Moon Calendar

Continue to cultivate the garden on Saturday 21st September. Take time to weed and feed the soil, ready for future planting.

Root crops can be planted over the period of Sunday 22 September to Monday 23 September. 

From Tuesday 24th September through until Sunday 29 September, take time to continue with weeding, cultivating and you can also do pruning where appropriate. 

Crops that are ready for harvesting may be harvested during this time also.

By all accounts, this coming week can be a very productive gardening week.


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